I always try to find something different to "cheer" my bunnies up.
Read and gathered the info from books, www, friends, pet shops, own experience; Realized that there are not much of entertainment for bunnies.
Well, bunnies don't play like a puppy does. They can't play fetch, oh may be they can? You can't walk a bunny like you walk your dog.
I've tried this on Mika, but what "she" did was just standing there nervously. Poor thing Mika. My walking-bunny-plan failed.

So, to entertain your bunnies, you'll need to be close with them first.
Lie down and watch their every move. Study them. Dig out their secrets - the dirty ones. *evil laugh
I used the method called "throw-and-test". Well, it is as simple as throwing something infront of them, and test their responses.
I found out Mika doesn't like blankets....Well, this is "her" little dirty secret. When "she" lays on the floor lazily, i will start to "cheer her up".
Purposely place the blanket/towel infront of "her". "She" just couldn't resist and will start to push and drag away the blanket.
That's so adorable.
Yep, i know...it's sounds like entertaining me more, but I just enjoy watching how she pushes it away.
What a sweet pie~~
And about Maya's little dirty secret. She won't approach you unless she senses food on you. Well, I used to feed them a bit of yogurt as a treat.
Purposely put her behind the fences, put my hand out of her cage until she couldn't reach me, and she will run around the fences crazily and try to get out, or even try to lick my fingers.
It's also quite entertaining to me while looking at how she runs around. Of course, after that, she was able to get her treat at last.
Well, i know....it's sounds like entertaining me more again. Here'e the video taken during her carrot time. See how aggressive she was
But who knows, Perhaps Mika and Maya are also enjoy the game that i designed based on their preferences?